5 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly

Jonathan Mckinney asked:

Exercise is a very important part of any weight loss program. But with our busy and ever changing schedules, we all search for exercises which will help us lose weight quickly. But there are quick and simple exercises to lose weight quickly which we will share with you in your quest.

Losing weight quickly can be misleading.  The goal for a healthy weight loss program is to lose 1-2 lbs per week. If you are just beginning to lose weight, aim for up to 2 lbs of weight loss in your initial weeks.  However, after 6-8 weeks, strive for a realistic goal to lose at least 1 lb of weight every week.  Never try to lose weight by drastically restricting your caloric intake.  If you do, you risk weakening your immune system. Remember, a healthy weight loss program will boost your Immune system and not starve it.

Here is a list of 5 exercises to lose weight quickly.  They include both aerobic and strength training which can be done in the comfort of your home.

Exercise 1: Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks is an excellent complete body aerobic workout  that can be done anywhere. Do 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks, or as needed..

Exercise 2: Fast walking: Normal walking is great aerobic exercise, but  fast  (brisk)  walking is even better for burning fat.  Be sure to stretch first and warm up prior to walking.

Exercise 3: Pushups: Pushups falls into the category of strength training: your arms have to support up to 70% of your body weight. Strive to complete 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to build arm strength and increase your heart rate.

Exercise 4: Squats:  The largest muscles in your body are your buttocks and leg muscles..  Each day stand in front a mirror and put your feet at shoulder width while facing forward and repeatedly squat down-and-up 10-20 times for 2 or 3 sets. Feel the burn while building your leg and buttock muscles. This is one of the best exercises to lose weight quickly.

Exercise 5: Stepping: Stepping is a excellent way to increasing your heat rate and burn calories. You can use your stairs at home, but for best purchase specialized stackable step mats and stack them up to at least 15 inches. Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 steps each to begin.

As you continue to use these 5 exercises to lose weight quickly, your body will continue to benefit from both aerobic exercise and strength training for years to come.  Best of all, you will look and feel better, become healthier and increase your longevity.

Stay motivated and add more exercise to your program as you gain stamina.

So you Want to Know How to Lose Weight Fast

Abigail Franks asked:

Do you want to know how to lose weight fast and in the process kill yourself? If so, there are many methods for you to choose from including:

Prescription diet pills NOT specifically given to you by a medical doctor. Besides being habit forming, the side effects can affect your sleep blood pressure, heart, and even offer hallucinations to keep you occupied.

Ephedra is an Asian herb and was once found in many weight loss products. Its safety is questioned, as it’s been implicated in almost 100 deaths.

Fenfluramine-phentermine (fen-phen), once thought to be the weight loss supplement of choice, this product has been linked to heart valve damage. You may be thinner but the side effects could kill you

Diuretics are better known as water pills. While an occasional use of diuretics is okay, if you’re older, you should consult your physician before using any type of diuretic. Removing too many fluids can result in dehydration and putting your body into survival mode where it could begin to hold water, thereby setting up a vicious cycle.

Purging and Laxatives. This is getting rid of the food either through vomiting or causing it to come out the other end as fast as possible. Regular use and abuse of laxatives can result in pancreas damage and low potassium levels It can also be very habit forming so before using laxatives to lose weight fast, think about all the fun you may have using them the rest of your life.

Purging is simply forcing yourself to vomit. Although that breakfast of a donut and expensive Starbucks® coffee tasted good when first eaten, it doesn’t taste nearly as good when coming back up. ICK! Oh and you risk burning your esophagus with stomach acids.

To lose weight fast doesn’t take any special tools or magic. Fast weight loss is accomplished by focusing on the basics of eating less and exercising more. Stop eating the donuts or pop tarts because they’re fast for breakfast. Instead, get yourself up to 30 minutes earlier and fix yourself a healthy breakfast. If you don’t a how to cook, learn. Don’t make excuses for yourself why you need to eat the way you do. Ie: I’m too busy etc.

Stay away from vending machines and the local convenience stores. Both of these have many more empty high calorie snacks than real food. Pack your own lunch with food to enjoy that are high in fiber.

To lose weight fast, you need a commitment to make radical changes in your lifestyle and eating habits. These changes need to happen today and you need to decide to stay with them long term

The Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Whether you are following a rapid weight loss diet plan or trying to lose weight slowly, you are facing a life style change that is totally based on how your work week goes. One of the most important aspects of losing weight is attitude and changing bad habits and replacing them with new but good ones, something that requires a certain consistency.Visit to :http://lose-weight-quick-365.blogspot.com

There are a number of things that can affect your weight loss, for instance, family history even genetics can play a significant role and other than physical appearance, weight affects a person in many ways. Losing weight can be the turning point in an overweight or obese person’s life and they can get their self-respect back and reduce the number of associated health risks.

This is the reason why so many people want rapid weight loss systems, so they can start seeing results quickly but they also need support from family and friends, a good nutritious low-fat diet program and regular exercise as well. This will require a regular and routine exercise period every day of about fifteen minutes, preferably a cardiovascular program and a diet that is flexible enough to incorporate personal tastes.

Do not worry if your plan is not producing results as quickly as you would like as everyone has a different metabolism and some will see results faster than others; this is perfectly natural so do not become despondent. The flexibility required for the diet plan might also be required for the exercise program as well to increase the difficulty level if the weight isn’t being lost as quickly as expected.

Listen as the body speaks because each and everyone’s body metabolism reacts differently to the various fast weight loss programs so try substituting one program for another to compensate the body’s reaction. Building muscle is also something that can help as it is converted from fat and calories are burnt quicker with muscle but once again, not everyone is suited to certain physical activities s do not be concerned if all you can do to start with is walk.

Drink at least six 8oz glasses of water each day as weight loss depends on flushing your system out so you must stay hydrated during the process. Even though white meat and fish are generally good for you, they can contain more fat than is desirable so stay clear of deep fried foods in general as they are full of fat that is damaging to your system.http://lose-weight-quick-365.blogspot.com

Foods that are grilled are by definition, not cooked in oil or their own fat and once cooked, retain little or no fat so are better for overall health. Whilst some diets advocate a reduction in carbohydrates, this should be done in consultation with a nutritionist as carbohydrates are the fuel that creates the energy required for your body to function.

The Secret of How to Lose Weight Quickly

Pius Victor Ephenus asked:

Need to slow down Slow down and enjoy your meal - it’s one of the best techniques to lose weight quickly. Once you’ve eaten your fill, the hungry feeling leaves you; however, it can take as much as 20 minutes for your brain to get the message. Eating pizza slices slower will cause you to feel full faster. A better strategy is to concentrate on each bite instead of thinking ahead to the next bite. While you’re chewing, set your fork down and savor your food; you don’t need to be loading it up for the next mouthful. This will help you eat slower and feel full faster

Take a little less food. It’s a known fact that most people eat far too much because they have filled their plate. You often have heard the phrase about one’s eyes being bigger than one’s stomach. Dieting have prove to be the fastest key to weight quickly. Attempt to take a smaller quantity of food than you expect to consume. There is always the option of returning for more if it is needed. The food served on your plate is tempting and very hard to resist, difficult to pass on

Include regular servings of vegetables in your diet. Everyone has a few vegetables that they absolutely will not eat, but there are so many other veggies you can at least try some of them. When trying to lose weight quickly consuming more leafy greens is beneficial in several ways. A good way to lose weight quickly is to make sure you eat a wide selection of the many varieties of vegetables you have to chose from. Use your diet as a springboard to new adventures - try a vegetable you’ve never tasted before!. You’ll enjoy yourself and you might even find a new favorite dish that features veggies!

Concentrate On the Outcome. Take it slow; if you lose too much weight all at once, you’ll lose muscle mass instead of fat. This is a way you are more likely to gain the weight back maybe even more. Even if you err and get off your diet, don’t let it become a major set-back. Just pick up where you left off and concentrate on your ultimate goal. In the beginning it may seem like you’re missing out, but after a short period of healthy eating, you’ll never look back on your old eating habits. This is a step you need to master in your goal to lose weight quickly.

Lose Weight Motivation Quotes

Have you ever wondered why is it so difficult to lose weight? And even more difficulty when it comes to losing weight quickly for some last minute event? These few add-on.s will ensure that losing weight will become easier for you. I myself used these tactics, and it really works. I hope it will help you too.

1. Have someone constantly monitoring your progress

Do not fail to underestimate the power of a friend helping out with your program. It would be much more efficient to have someone willing to take down notes of your progress or development. This will inspire you to keep on doing what you have started. Having someone beside you when you finally managed to achieve your goal is much memorable than you achieve it by yourself.

Your friend could also help to support you and encourage you when things start to go haywire. It is just a simple way of hearing somebody believing in what you do that form the basis of one of the greatest motivation source to keep you going on the process of losing weight quickly. That’s what friends are for.

2. Construct a vigorous, yet at the same time, sensible schedule

What objectives do you wish to see achieved within a year?  Try to suit it to your calendar, and do not count your chickens before they hatch. Try to construct a plan that includes all the diets and exercise timings. And also make a list of what you should not be eating or drinking. (Like cheat food). If possible, i would like you to decorate your timetable with inspirational quotes on losing weight, discipline, motivation etc.

After you are done with your timetable, be sure to print several copies of them, give some to your family members; stick one unto your ceiling; another one beside your computer and don’t forget to stick it to the refrigerator ( Super important, so next time you are tempted to touch the “food box” , you will think twice.)

3. Instead of staying at home, hang out at the library.

Now wait a second, this is about losing weight quickly, so am I suggesting that you go to the library? The answer is ridiculously simple. Stay at home and be tempted by all the food on the table, the refrigerator contains call the ice cold goodies that will kick you off your diet program like immediately, your money is also stored within your room so you can easily take it and go over to a convenience store and grab a bite. And who knows what you might get? Potato chips? Chocolate bars? (OH MAN) There goes your diet.

So, why the library? for two main reasons. Firstly, you will get access to a mountain load worth of information about good health and losing weight. Learn that obesity will only lead you to more health related problems when you are older. I myself used this strategy to find out more about losing weight, and I felt that the more I read, the more easily losing weight becomes to me. Anyone can lose weight, however, if you want to lose weight quickly, that’s a different scenario. You got to stay firm. And the second main reason is that, it is of a peaceful environment. Do not underestimate the power of a positive environment. A library is place full of books and people who prefers to read. Most of them are so focused they could just forgot about their meal timings. So start by going to the library today!

These are basically the two add-ons you might consider adding to your  program to losing weight quickly as they do not require much and would probably fit into your program snugly. I wish you all the best!

Slimming Body Wraps At Home

We have come a long way from the time when a minuscule number of diets and exercise options were available for weight loss. Today, we literally have an infinite number of choices. Picking a weight loss program can be very confusing and at times a frustrating experience.

The arrival of slimming wraps

Say you want to tone only a few areas in your body. You also want to make sure that you lose weight but you retain the body mass at other places in your body. You might laugh and say there is no option available that helps you target specific areas of the body. But you are wrong. Slimming wraps help you do just that; if you want to lose weight from your hips or buttocks or just your legs, these wraps enable you to lose weight from these and many other areas of your body, easily and conveniently. A wide range of slimming wraps are available, which are affordable and convenient to use. You no longer have to make your way to the nearest beauty salon in order to get the body wrap treatment. You can now get the benefits of this treatment option in the comforts of your home.

Home Body wraps

These days almost everybody is short of time. It wouldn’t be surprising if a regular trip to the gym or the salon for weight loss therapy is not possible for you. At times like this, you can use the body wraps available for home use. You can immerse yourself in the advantages of these revolutionary body wraps, right in your home helping you save time, money and effort. You can choose from the many body wrap kits available on the market offering you end to end therapy, and making sure that you shed those inches and at the same time these wraps also detoxify your body.

Bringing to you the benefits of sea clay

The sea is full of products that can be used to improve your health and fitness. This can best be illustrated by ’sea clay’. When you apply this clay on a particular area of your body, it penetrates deep into the dermal layers of skin and detoxifies your skin tissues. The removal of these toxins from the soft tissues of your skin result in the compression of these tissues, which in turn helps you trim your inches and many a times also shed them by a long way. The application of this home body wrap clay also removes all those dead skin cells, bacteria, and dust particles that are clinging to your skin, which also improves the health of your skin. Regular use of this product will ensure smooth skin, silky to touch and the kind of skin that keeps glowing day in and day out.

To make the best use of these wraps, you need to make sure that you follow the instructions carefully and use it as it needs to be used. But, you must also remember that these slimming wraps are not an alternative to a disciplined diet and exercise. These wraps just push your weight loss efforts along.

How To Lose Weight With These Effective Workouts

Are you trying to lose weight and clueless of the workouts you should be doing? Do you still have time to visit the nearest gym in your place? Try to check out the weight loss daily workout tips written in this article.

Before anything else, you must be aware of the fact that, as adults, we should be able to get a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity for five days a week. If our body gets to have the exercise that it needs, the reward is actually fulfilling. The risk of getting a heart disease and other illnesses will be reduced.

However, most of us are preoccupied with work and that exercising or going to the gym might be too much. So, what will be written below are tips as to how you could lose weight not by exercising but actually doing certain chores, tasks or activities that you get to do in a regular day.

1. Surround Yourself with Children
Since children are very hyper, they would ask you to play with them and without knowing, you will be able to give yourself a little workout. Try to play football with them or biking. Not only it would be a form of exercise but you also get to bond with them. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

2. Spend Time in your Garden
Instead of doing nothing, why don’t you visit your garden and find time do some digging, weeding and mowing. Not only it would make your garden look clean and pleasant, you also get to burn some calories.

3. Don’t be a Couch potato.
If you’re fond of watching TV, you might want to set-up a stationary bike in front of it. During commercials, you could just pedal. If you don’t want a stationary bike, a treadmill would do. Take note that a 10-minute cycling could make a difference since it could allow you to burn a total of 62 calories.

4. Skipping is the way to go
Go get your skipping rope and start skipping. It is very healthy if you plan on doing weight loss exercise. It’s good for the bones, heart and promotes coordination as well as flexibility.

5. Walking is Healthy
Walking is definitely good for the heart. Try to walk around your place during lunch break or maybe you could walk with your dog after work. Experts would suggest that we should be able to have 10,000 steps a day. Through walking, you will lose around 35 calories for just a 10-minute brisk walking.

6. Go for the Stairs
Instead of using the elevator, why don’t you take the stairs. It will help you burn unwanted calories. You will be surprised that you’ll lose around 70 calories should you prefer to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

These are just some of the weight loss workouts that you might want to check out. Not everybody has the luxury of time to visit the gym and so if you’re decided to lose weight, try to do these simple tips now.

How to Choose the Right Diet that Suits You

Are you looking for an effective diet? There’s no effective diet program than what you can enjoy while in that program. There are various diet schemes that you can choose from and in order for the diet to losing weight be effective, it has to suit your needs, time, and resources. Many advices from magazines, on internet, and on TV programs, but what is best for you can only be identified by you. Here are some strategies on how to choose the right diet program for you.

Be Personal in your Choices

Although your family, friends, and all the famous celebrities endorse a good diet for you, you have to consider your personal needs and expectations. Different individuals have different preferences and inclinations. A certain diet that is effective for your friend does not necessarily mean that it will also be effective for you. For instance, if you find it easier for you to diet on your own, then proceed with that. If you prefer to be enrolled in a professional diet program and get some help, you should do that, too. The main point here is to find that diet among diets that you are most comfortable with. You should also consider your budget and resources. Some diets require a lot of supplements and expensive ingredients. You have to tailor your diet program only with what you can afford, don’t go beyond it.

Check your Overall Health First

Before, going on a diet, be sure to visit your physician first and have your overall health checked. In this way, you can avoid certain diet programs that can harm your physical health. Certain diets aren’t allowed for certain illnesses, especially if it’s a serious ailment like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Neurologic Syndromes. Don’t compromise your health just to lose pounds. Communicate effectively with your doctor about your plans to go on a diet program and ask the doctor’s opinion. Your doctor can even recommend a dietician or a weight loss program that can benefit your current health status.

Make sure that the Diet is Enjoyable

For a diet to be effective, you should be able to enjoy the course of the program. Otherwise, you may suffer from depression and can lead you to a more serious illness. If you are looking for a long-term diet to losing weight, find a diet that allows food that you will enjoy eating for the rest of your life. The problem would arise if you are only consuming food to lose weight or to trim down. This reality would only give you a short term effect. After a month or two, you will get tired of eating restrictive food and will stop the diet process eventually. A good idea would be to search for a diet that you will enjoy doing for lifelong.

There is no sole diet that will work for everyone in the same way. It’s your responsibility to find the best one that will conveniently work for you. Diet to Losing Weight programs should be fun, exciting, and rewarding for you. Follow a successful diet scheme while taking delight in what you do, eat, and feel. Make your chosen diet plan as an ally or a friend than making it your enemy.

Lemon Diet for Losing Weight

A lot of men and women are seeking for ways on how to lose some pounds. There are apparently several diets that really work and one of these effective diet strategies is the use of lemon. A Lemon Diet for Losing Weight is actually being practiced by some of the top models and celebrities. It’s become popular these days and more people are also looking forward to try this diet themselves. Including lemons in your diet can make you trim down in weight while maintaining a healthy glow on your skin.

Start the Detox Process with a Lemon

Before you go on a diet program, you need to get rid of toxins out of your body first. Don’t let your body starve immediately. Take in fruits and vegetables every meal to help cleanse your digestive tract. Quit drinking coffee, tea, or carbonated drinks. Rather, prepare and drink a glass of lemonade every meal. Lemon is a good detoxifier for the body as it is an acid, so it boosts the detoxifying process all the more. It’s an effective tip to take lemonades at room temperature as well. Do this detox process for a day or two to get maximum result.

Never Forget the Glasses of Lemonade 

After waking up, take a glass of lemonade before you even have breakfast. For your breakfast, eat light foods, such as an apple, an organic yogurt, or almonds. A light meal will make you feel lighter as well. Drink a glass of lemonade every after meal and an hour before getting to bed. Lemonade will help you eliminate body wastes or toxins and can enhance your bowel movements. Never forget to take glasses of lemonade as it can cleanse your digestive system which leads to cleaning up your excess fat storage in your body also. If you’re on the go, carry a bottle of lemonade wherever you go to complete your daily lemonade diet.

Create Healthy Recipes with Lemon Juice

Another advice for this lemon diet to losing weight is to incorporate lemon juice to your recipes and meals. A fish fillet baked in lemon juice or stir-fry vegetables and fruits with lemon juice is a start of a great relationship between you and the lemon. Lemon is also a good ingredient to make your dishes more flavorful, a little bit sweet and a bit sour that you will surely enjoy. You can enjoy eating protein, like fish, meat, and chicken mixed up with lemon juice. Make your dishes healthier and appetizing with a dose of lemon juice which you can find in any grocery stores near your homes. It’s easy and fun to discover what else these lemons can do.

As you make lemons part of your daily diet, you will eventually trim down and lose weight fast and easy. You don’t have to starve yourself by not eating anything, but you can choose healthier choices of foods from now on. A lemon diet to losing weight has made an effective impact in a lot of people nowadays. Some people have acknowledged losing weight of about 10 pounds in just 7 days. You can try this kind of diet, too, and find out the wonderful outcome of adding lemons in your diet.

Health and Wellness

It’s important to understand that obesity is not only a weight problem. Remember that small changes are easier to stick with than drastic ones. The disease can also affect other parts of the body. Therefore, your body sees the extra fat calories that you consume as an invasion in the body. Skipping breakfast will leave you tired and craving naughty foods by mid-morning. A few pounds over the years are not a problem, but people who gain more than 20 pounds compared to their weight as a teenager will rapidly increase their risk of health problems due to that extra weight. You have to have a good, healthy food plan if you’re going to lose weight and keep it from coming back. This is a completely different approach to dieting. Although the number of obese women appears to be holding steady, the risk is growing. You can’t know if you are doing your workout right or wrong if you don’t track your results.

For people who have lost a lot of weight, plastic surgery can really change their lives and help them sustain a healthier lifestyle for years to come. For example, it is estimated that a 150 pound person who bikes hard for 30 minutes burns about 340 calories. Usually out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration; many of us unnecessarily eat food. Do you struggle to resist carbohydrate foods such as bread, cakes, chocolate and pasta. It will work for you—swiftly, pleasantly, surely.

Know what your kids are eating, where and when. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else. Plant lots of greens in your yard. But before you begin a fitness routine, talk to your doctor about any risk factors you may have. Get on the bathroom scale the first thing every morning as surely and regularly as you brush your teeth before breakfast. They state that their desires for food have diminished. Start walking as a way to acclimate their body to such activities. In the short term they may raise your metabolism and help you burn some fat, but in the long-term it is hard to even know what damage these chemicals may cause.

It has been seen that obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe, if the problem of being over weight begins before age nine. However, if you want your way of losing weight to work faster, then you can eat a piece of fruit before every meal. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. It’s important for parents to use the right approach when trying to combat childhood obesity. A few pounds over the years are not a problem, but people who gain more than 20 pounds compared to their weight as a teenager will rapidly increase their risk of health problems due to that extra weight. Adapt behavior modification that you can live with for years, instead of just weeks.

Obese women are at increased risk for a number of pregnancy complications. This will leave you with a greater proportion of lean body mass to body fat, meaning that you will be slimmer, yet you’ll have the muscles that you had when you were overweight. Overeating is not the result of exercise. Compromise with low-fat ice cream and fruit, or sometimes just fruit with a dollop of whipped cream. This helps increase your muscle strength as well as your muscle size. Remember, it’s the lean body mass that’s burning calories day in and day out, even when you’re doing nothing. It sounds crazy but the truth is that dieting can be addicting. Remember that small changes are easier to stick with than drastic ones.

Change from drinking whole milk to fat-free milk or low-fat soy milk. Drink cold unsweetened raspberry tea. Luckily, this never became a daily practice for me, but it was a nasty frequent habit nonetheless and one that became harder and harder to stop. The best ones are filling but low-calorie.

Try some new recipes to lose weight. Try to be seen running around track, an activity to be followed along with the acai diet. This is an effective and natural method of losing weight and keeping it off. Turn your friends and family into a support group. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Perform low impact aerobic activities. Persuade your best friend, spouse or significant other into working out with you! As important as losing weight is for your health, it is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. But everyone has to begin somewhere. These benefits, plus your now habitually decreased appetite, help you form the habit of effective that keeps your weight down.